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Thursday, 27 February 2014

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Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC)

Invasive Ductal carcinoma (IDC) which is also known as a name of infiltrating ductal carcinoma, is a type of cancer that’s start growing in duct and has invades the fatty tissues of the breast outside of the duct. Infitraing ductal carcinoma (IDC) is the general type of breast cancer attest 80% of the breast cancer diagnose represent (IDC).
What are Symptoms of (IDC)?
As we look on breast we found no symptoms of breast cancer. A mammogram may reveal a suspicious mass. And reprt of mammogram leads us to further testing. A suspect may also found a lump or mass when she is self examining her breast. If the following possible signs of breast cancer found then she straight away reports to physician for further assessment.
·         If found swelling in one breast.
·         If skin of the breast is thicken.
·         If there is pain in one breast.
·         If there is dimpling around the nipple or on the skin of the breast.
·         If nipple discharge.
·         If lump is found in under arm area.
·         If breast has lump.
·         If redness and rashness found in breast.
·         If nipple has pain.
·         If nipple is turning inward.
·         If changes in breast are different from the normal monthly changes experience
How to diagnosed Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC)?
We know from our professional experience how much quickly parents want result from biopsy or scan if there is a doubt of breast cancer. We have to follow severe biopsy and pathology guidelines for the reports. Most of the patient received there probability of the breast cancer without delay  following the severe biopsy and pathology procedure less than 24 hours.
Some more diagnosis steps include:
·         Staging workup
·         Biopsy
·         MRI
·         Pathology
·         Ulatrasound
·         Digital mammography

Treatment for Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC)
Treatment for all types of IDC is determined by the exact type of cancer and staging. Depending on the size and spread of the tumor(s), most women will undergo a combination of any of the following treatments:
·         Breast reconstruction treatment
·         Radiation threatment
·         Chemotherapy treatment
·         Harmonal therapy treatment
·         Lumpectomy treatment
·         Sentinel node biopsy treatment
·         Axilary node dissection treatment
·         Mastectomy treatment
·         Biological targeted therapy treatment
Additional types of (IDC):
Four less common types of Invasive ductal carcinoma are:

  • Medullary Ductal Carcinoma This type of cancer is not common and about 3 to 5 percent of breast cancers are diagnosed as modularly ductal carcinoma. Mammogram usually shows the tumor and the tumour of modularly ductal carcinoma doest like always like a lump and upto certin extent it looks like a soft change in breast tissue. 
  • Mucinous Ductal Carcinoma When cancer cells within the breast produce muccinous this type of invasive ductal carcinoma accurs., which also contains breast cancer cells, and the cells and mucous combine to form a tumor. Pure mucinous ductal carcinoma carries a better prognosis than more common types of IDCs.

Friday, 21 February 2014

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Invasive lobular carcinoma

Infiltrating lobular carcinoma is a second name of Invasive lobular carcinoma. Invasive ductal carcinoma is more common then infiltrating lobular carcinoma. Invasive breast cancers are about 10% in all breast cancers.

Infiltrating lobular carcinoma starts spreading in lobules of women breast and gradually spread and increase the ratio in nearby breast tissues. Invasive lobular carcinoma spread to the lymph nodes and also in other parts of the body.

Infiltrating lobular carcinoma  occur in some parts of the one  breast or second or both also  known as multi-centric   Lobular carcinoma mostly occur in both breasts it does not like other cancer’s who mostly found in single breast.

Rather than forming a lump, infiltrating lobular carcinoma grow in a single fiber into the fatty tissues of the breast and thicken breast tissue area is created. Texture or Dimpling are the skin changes on the breast happened in result of this cancer.

Diagnosing Infiltrating lobular carcinoma is very difficult .Mammography (MRI) is a way to diagnose it. Ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) also used to find this type of breast cancer, but the more familiar way of diagnosing this is biopsy.

Lobular carcinoma tumors’ are hormone receptor optimistic and react well to hormonal therapy.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

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Breast Cancer different types

Breast Cancer different types
There is much different designation of breast tumor and types of breast cancer found in real world. From these different types of breast cancer some types are more common than others, and there is also combination of these types found in breast cancer. The most common and familiar classifications related to breast cancer are described below
Invasive ductal carcinoma: This type of breast cancer known as invasive ductal carcinoma starts in a duct of the breast and it grows into the nearby tissue of breast. Invasive ductal carcinoma is the most common type of breast cancer found and 80 % breast cancer problem is due to this type of breast cancer.
Invasive lobular carcinoma: This  type of breast cancer called by cancer specialist as Invasive lobularcarcinoma starts in the glands of the breast these glands are responsible for producing milk in breast. the average percentage of this type of breast cancer is about 10%.
Ductal carcinoma in situ: The most common type of noninvasive breast cancer is ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). In DCIS, abnormal cells have spread within the ducts of the breast,but these cells does not invade the tissues of breast.. Ductal carcinoma in situ  cure rate is very high. DCIS has been  very much hot topic for researchers and among the doctors regarding the seriousness of of condition and the treatment which is required . this most common type of breast cancer is similar but the main difference is that the abnormal cells are located in lobules of breast instead of ducts.

The other types of breast cancer is listed below as such these types of breast cancer found very rear:
Mucinous carcinomas are formed from mucus-producing cancer cells.
Mixed tumors this type of breast cancer contains various cells types.
Medullary carcinoma this type of breast cancer is  insightful breast cancer that shows itself  with well-defined boundaries between thenon_ cancerous and cancerous tissues of breast.
Inflammatory breast cancer: In this type of breast cancer the skin of the breast become reddish and a women feel warmness in breast and this type give a fealing of infection to the patient.all these changes which a patient found in its self is due to the blockage of lymph vessels by cancerous  cells.
Paget's disease of the nipple: This type of breast cancer starts in the ducts of the breast of women and then this cancer rapidly spread to the nipple of breast and the area surrounded or covered by the nipple. This type of breast cancer usually appears with redness on nipple or around nipple.
Adenoid cystic carcinoma: This type of cancer have both glandular and cystic features. These features does not spread rapidly  or aggressively .
The following are other uncommon types of breast cancer:
·         Phyllodes tumor
·         Angiosarcoma
·         Papillary carcinoma

·         Tubular carcinoma

Friday, 7 February 2014

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breast cancer symptoms

Common form of cancer in women of the world is Breast one out of 8 women will develop this cancer at any stage of their lives and this condition is alarming for every girl in our society.
Starting symptoms of that includes a new lump in any part of the breast. The treatment of that lump is mostly surgery but also other combination of treatments also be followed like radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Breast cancer disease also develops in Men but it’s very rare. Each year around 2 male from one 100 are diagnosed and results was about 1% of all breast cancer diagnoses.

Basic knowledge
This disease occurs when breast cells start developing abnormally and there growth is out of control which form malignant (cancerous) tumor. There also have a possibility for Breast cancerous cell to spread in other parts of the body via lymphatic system and it also spread by direct entry into blood vessels. Once if they can spread then there is possibility of occurring “secondary” cancers.
Majority of new lumps found are non cancerous. 75% of breast cancer occurs in women above the age of 50 years. Worldwide Breast cancer cases increase in developed countries from the past 30 years. If a woman has Breast cancer a probability of having it again increased a lot.

What is Breast

The breast is a combination of fatty tissue glandular tissue and fibrous tissue and this combination lie on ribs of chest on a brand of strong muscles. The only biological function of breast is that it provides milk to babies other then this it has no biological function.
The shape of the breast is given by fiber tissue and these tissue also support glandular and fatty tissue. As women grow the fibrous tissue is replaced with fatty tissue and this replacement gives the basic structure and shape of breasts.
Glandular tissue consists of series of lobules. Lobules are very small structure which is responsible of producing milk when it stimulates with the hormones of female gender during the time period of pregnancy .The milk produced in lobules pass through the duct which opens into the nipples.

simple breast

With in breast there is lymph node which is small glands which are along with lymph vessels in which nodes drain and these are a part of lymphatic system. The purpose of this lymphatic system is to filter infection and prevent these infections entering into blood stream. Lymph vessels system found in every breast that drains into a system of 24 lymph nodes in the armpit and these axillary nodes are called lymph nodes. Behind breast bone there are also lymph nodes called mammary nodes. These nodes drain into axillary nodes, remaining nodes drain into other nodes in the chest.

Axillary lymph nodes system 

Axillary lymph nodes system

Breast Cancer Causes
The basic cause of Breast cancer is still unknown but it still known that which women are more at risk and in which women developing breast cancer causes is more. Risk factors of breast cancer are:

·         Women over the age of 37 years.
·         Having a history of developing breast cancer in family – the younger the member the more the chance of developing Brest cancer is more and the risk is greater.
·         If a girl had breast cancer previously.
·         Having biopsy showing Breast lump or thickening of breast cancer.
·         If a girl have breast cancer in her gene (BRCA.1 or BRCA.2).Those women who have Breast cancer gene have a chance of 50% chance of developing cancer in her breast.
Other factors that increase risk of breast cancer:

·         An early onset of periods or the late onset.
·         Having first child after the age of 25 years or a women did not have child throughout life
·         Diet maters a lot in that’s case high fat diet increase risk factor a lot.
·         Fiber intake is low in diet.
·         Excessive use of alcohol.
·          fruits and vegetables less intake.
·         Taking HRT medication continues for 5 to 7 years.
·         It’s not decisively proven but it happens when taking the contraceptive pill it increase the risk of breast cancer to some extent.
·         Having Jewish heritage increase the risk factor

Breast Cancer types.
There is different type of breast cancer found. From these types of breast cancer two common types are ductal breast cancer and lobular breast cancer.Each of these breast cancers can be either “in situ” or “invasive”.

In Situ: These are earliest stage of breast cancer and they can develop into enveloping breast cancer or it also raise the risk of developing enveloping cancer if this can caught at early stage then this is totally curable.

Ductal carcinoma: This happens where breast cancer cells are fully contained within the milk ducts and have not spread into the surrounding breast tissue.  It is mostly cured with surgtreated with surgery (mastectomy) or combined surgery (partial mastectomy) and radiotherapy.

Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS): This is where the breast cancer cells are completely contained within the milk lobules and have not spread into the surrounding breast tissue. Often LCIS does not need treatment. Instead, regular breast exams and mammograms may be used to monitor for the early changes of developing breast cancer.

Inflammatory Breast cancer and Medullary Breast cancer are other ordinary types of breast cancer.

Breast cancer Signs and symptoms.

The first most common sign of breast cancer is a forming of new lump in breast and the lump forms is typically pain less.

Additional signs of breast cancer consist of:

·         Thickness of tissue in the breast.
·         Change in the nipple or nipple discharge.
·         Dimpling or puckering of the skin of the breast.
·         Size of breast change.
·         Shape of breast change
While these symptoms may not be related to breast cancer, it is important to see a doctor promptly for assessment and accurate diagnosis if any of these symptoms are present.  Early detection is vital in the successful treatment of breast cancer.

Diagnosis of Breast cancer.
If other symptoms of breast cancer or a new lump found in breast then you must consult to Breast cancer specialist for evaluation and specialist will recommend diagnosis. For accurate diagnosis three step methods are required.

Clinical examination:
In clinical examination Doctor start with examining both breasts and lump’s size location and other individuality like whether it is soft regular or irregular. Doctor will ask about that lump present in your breast like when it has grown and is it painful or not and also ask question about family history and previous breat lumps so that it can know the percentage of risk factors.

A mammogram which is particular breast x-ray show the soft tissue of the breast and can indicate any doubtful areas. Ultrasound scanning also used to monitor or image breast tissues using sound waves.  Pictures of any suspicious areas can be taken it also generate a report whether the lump is fluid filled or solid.  
In biopsies different tissues samples of lump is taken and then sent to the laboratory for psychiatry.

·         Fine needle ambition method: Its mostly a first step of biopsy performed using a local anesthetic and inserting small needle into the lump and taking a small sample of cells or fluid. This sample later sent to laboratory for assessment. This biopsy technique was guided by ultrasound technique.  
·         Core biopsy method: this method uses a large needle to take a sample of the lump tissues and /or fluid. A very small opening made in the skin over the lump.  At laboratory tissues are sliced very carefully and examine under glass slide.
·          Stereotactic core biopsy method: this biopsy method performed on a x-ray table allowing 3 dimensional computerized images of the lump used to guide the biopsy needle into the lump.
·         Excision biopsy method: This is a minor surgical procedure where part or all of the abnormal area is removed.  It can be performed using a local or general anaesthetic.  If the lump is unable to be precisely located using mammogram or ultrasound scanning, it may need to be marked by a thin wire called a "hook wire